atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Zak, said, “atWork Australia has helped me find amazing employment. The team made me feel happy and confident by coming to my interview with me.”

23-year-old, Disability Employment Services client, Zak, was enjoying steady employment as a cleaner and was being supported by atWork Australia’s In-Work Support team.

Zak lives with Autism, ADHD and an Intellectual disability. Unfortunately, circumstances changed and Zak was no longer employed doing this role he enjoyed.

Despite being disheartened by his current situation; Zak went straight back into atWork Australia’s Nowra office ready and willing to begin the hunt for his next employment opportunity.

Zak connected with his Job Coach, Tanjah, and they quickly began evaluating Zak’s options to get him back into employment. Since Zak had previous experience and enjoyed his cleaning role, he was more than happy to look for similar opportunities. Zak shared that due to his health barriers, he preferred to work in small teams and that being let go from his previous job had impacted his confidence.

Tanjah reassured Zak that it was completely understandable that his confidence would be down in this situation. However, together they would work to boost his confidence and get him back to work in no time.

Together they began preparing applications for advertised cleaning positions. Zak’s consistent effort was rewarded with an interview. Tanjah helped Zak prepare for his interview, practicing mock interview questions to build his confidence to talk about his skills and suitability for the position. Tanjah attended the interview with Zak for moral support which helped to boost his confidence and allowed him to comfortably talk about his abilities.

Zak was overjoyed when he received the news that he had secured the position. He is delighted to be back in the workplace and is happy with how it all turned out.

“atWork Australia has helped me find amazing employment. The team made me feel happy and confident by coming to my interview with me,” said Zak.

The team at atWork Australia are thrilled at the outcome and delighted to see Zak enjoying being back at work.

“Zak has come a really long way with atWork Australia. I am so glad to see him in employment he is enjoying. I am very proud of him,” said Tanjah.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Zak expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.


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