atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Your dedicated Job Coach

Here at atWork Australia, you’ll get your very own Job Coach who provides support to gain employment. You’ll also have a team of support behind you, including Employer Engagement Consultants, In-Work Support, our Client Solutions Centre and more. We’re here to help you find and sustain meaningful work that helps you get what you want out of life.

So how do you and your Job Coach work together?

With your Job Coach, you’ll develop a plan to get the right job with the right employer. Your Job Coach will help you determine your skills, experience and interests, and what you want to achieve in work and life. They’ll also help build your confidence in yourself and your abilities, should you need it.

Your Job Coach will be there as you progress through your plan. They will be your advocate, your sounding board and your support. They’ll connect you with the community, employers, or health professionals. They can refer you to health and wellbeing coaches, in-house courses, employer networking, skills training, and so much more – to make your job search journey a positive and successful experience.

atWork Australia has dedicated and passionate Job Coaches who are ready to help you find meaningful, lasting work.

Get to know some of our Job Coaches

“Job Coach, Mark, has been an incredible support in my transition back to work and in believing in myself and my abilities to elevate my life. He has exceptional people and coaching skills that are helping me step into who I need to become as a successful and  strong person in the workforce,”

Client, Rhonda, Bonnyrigg NSW

Frequently asked questions

A Job Coach is someone who helps you achieve your employment goals. They often have lived experience and good connections with the local employment market. They are people who live our values of Integrity, Compassion, Determination and Thriving Together as a team.

With your Job Coach, you’ll develop a plan to get the right job with the right employer. They will also help you determine your skills, experience, and interests, and what you want to achieve in work and life. They’ll connect you with the community and employers, and health professionals – to make your job search journey a positive and successful experience.

Your Job Coach will be there as you execute your plan. They will connect you with the community and employers, and health professionals. They can refer you to health and wellbeing coaches, job clubs, employer networking, skills training, and so much more – to make your job search journey a positive and successful experience.

They will also help you to navigate the employment services system, including understanding your mutual obligations or supporting you to use systems such as MyGov.

Any job that reflects your interests, goals and abilities is a good job. The team will help you find something that is the right fit for you.

They support finding roles suitable for our clients, they will work with employers to negotiate flexible hours, workplace modifications etc, and advocate for diverse workplaces.

Get in touch today on 1300 080 856, or register your interest online, and let’s connect you with one of our many passionate Job Coaches who will work tirelessly to get you the right job with the right employer.

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