atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Wellness Services

We acknowledge that everyone’s employment journey is different. Sometimes, your wellness needs support before you can be ready to return to work.

Our qualified team of health and wellness professionals are here to help you on your journey to sustainable employment. We provide a variety of confidential support services to help you improve the management of your overall health and wellbeing, as you navigate your journey towards employment.

We work with you, at your pace, to provide guidance on your individual situation and offer tailored support.

Our services include:

Career guidance and support to keep your job

Mental health counselling

Stress management

Health and wellness assessments

Parenting advice

Lifestyle and wellbeing coaching

  • You and your Job Coach identify you may not yet be ready for work and need support with your health and wellbeing
  • You are referred to atWork Australia’s Wellness Services to progress towards employment
  • You attend a confidential session with a qualified wellness professional
  • A personalised progress plan is created for you that addresses your individual barriers and focuses on developing skills, confidence, and resilience
  • You start work and additional sessions are available if you need them via In-Work support to help overcome any new or pre-existing barriers

Support for clients looking for work

atWork Australia provides our clients with an opportunity to undertake education, training, and employment. Since 2003, we have helped thousands of people into sustainable employment, including those who experience confidence or self-esteem issues, anxiety, depression, alcohol and substance use, physical disabilities/injuries.

We work to eliminate unhealthy habits and overcome barriers to employment, using a variety of proven intervention methods.

We can offer face-to-face or over the phone appointments. Speak to your Job Coach for more information.

Support for employers

atWork Australia’s wellness team can assist employers to maintain employees at work through the various supports we offer to our clients once they are placed into work.

We offer our clients In-Work Support for the first six months of employment and have a dedicated line for employers via our live chat and 1300 080 856 number. These lines of communication can offer both employer and employee support and advice on settling into work, maintaining work, and how to navigate hard conversations such as hours of work, expectations and pay, to name a few.

We also run a Diversity Webinar Series that covers a range of topics, such as mental health. You can join our periodic group sessions or reach out to discuss planning a session in your workplace for your employees.

Are you a Provisional, registered Psychologist, Qualified Counsellor or Qualified Social Worker, or, are you currently studying and looking for your next work opportunity? Connect with us today.

To learn more about how our Wellness Services can help you, call us on 1300 080 856, email or via live chat.

Want to give feedback about our Wellness Services?
Talk to an atWork Australia team member, call us on 1300 080 856, or email All feedback is good feedback. Learn more here.

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