atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good News from atWork Australia. Quote reads "I am very thankful to atWork Australia who have truly been there for me during my hard times. You have listened to me, thank you, said client Sharlene

Disability Employment Services client, Sharlene, is living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She attended the atWork Australia, Casino, New South Wales, office having been unemployed for three years.

Sharlene shared with her Job Coach, Lena, that she was open to all kinds of employment, but she was particularly interested in hospitality or early childhood.

Her goal was to find work she enjoyed, that also allowed her to save up to travel and visit her children who live in Queensland.

“When I first met Sharlene, she was very shy and lacking in confidence,” said Lena.

Lena could see the benefits Sharlene would bring to an employer and worked hard to build her confidence while marketing her to local employers.

She connected Sharlene to atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Consultant, Monika, who would also help advocate for Sharlene to potential employers.

In preparation for any future opportunities, the team supported Sharlene to obtain her first aid certificate.

“After a few weeks, I managed to get Sharlene an interview in a local hospitality venue,” said Lena.

“Sharlene and I attended the interview together, and she was offered a work trial by the chef right away.”

After a successful work trial, she was offered a role as a Kitchen Hand.

The atWork Australia team supported her to purchase work clothes, to be ready for her new role.

“Sharlene mostly works Fri-Sun evening shifts, and I am proud to have seen her confidence build over the last few weeks,” said Lena.

“Sharlene has been in employment a month now and is transitioning to our In-Work Support Coach in case she needs any support in her new role.”

“I am incredibly proud of Sharlene. Her punctuality, honesty and open mind has allowed her to gain employment and earn money to follow her dreams and reach her goals.”

“I am very thankful to atWork Australia who have truly been there for me during my hard times. Lena has a great understanding about what I wanted and has supported me through this journey. You have listened to me, thank you,” said Sharlene.

Sharlene was a good fit for her new role and her employer who said “atWork Australia has been a pleasure to work with by placing local individuals into our business and supporting the local community.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Sharlene expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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