atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Georgia stands between two atWork Australia staff members with a big smile. She says “It was the best interview I have had, where I didn’t doubt myself. I was prepared, and I got the job.”

First Nations client, Georgia, is a 21-year-old who just wanted to find work and grow into a career.

She came to the Midland atWork Australia Workforce Australia office looking for support.

She expressed to her Job Coach, Charlotte, that she found it hard to get past the interview stage of the job processes. Georgia lives with Tourette’s and felt employers viewed this as a barrier.

“Georgia’s goal was to find sustainable employment, where she could grow and develop her skills,” said Charlotte.

“She suggested she would like to try either warehousing or retail.”

Georgia jumped into all the upskilling opportunities offered by Charlotte. This included obtaining a forklift ticket, completing a warehouse skillset course and a retail skillset course.

She gained confidence during atWork Australia’s First Nations tailored workshop called Jobs for the Mob.

“Georgia used the workshop to gain interview skills, and to tailor her resume and cover letter. She also connected with local Indigenous employers,” said Charlotte.

She also attended a tailored workshop for all things retail, created by local Employer Engagement Manager, Jess.

“The goal was to prepare clients for interviews, specifically in the retail industry, and to speak with the clients to help match them to roles that suited them individually” said Jess.

Once Jess met Georgia, she phoned some employers she had good relationships with and was able to encourage an employer to create an entire new role suited to Georgia. This ensured it was a role she could thrive in alongside her Tourette’s.

With her new skills, and knowing the employer was inclusive and understanding of her barriers, Georgia went into the interview with a new sense of confidence.

“Georgia’s self-confidence has increased tremendously, they feel they have a lot to offer to employers with their new skills,” said Charlotte.

Georgia aced the interview. Charlotte and the atWork Australia team quickly supported Georgia to purchase work related clothing and provided her with a voucher for transport to ensure she could get to her new job for the first few weeks.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Georgia expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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