atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

"I love working with my clients within their respective workplaces and with their employer to ensure that they have the skills and resources they need to bring their best self to work." - Trevor, atWork Australia InWork Support Coach, NSW

Meet Warilla InWork Support Coach, Trevor. Trevor has worked with atWork Australia for the past seven years after a longstanding career as a teacher.

After 16 years of applying his skills within the classroom and helping his students, he now applies these same skills to assist his clients thrive at work.

As an InWork Support Coach, Trevor works with atWork Australia clients who are currently working. Working with their co-workers and employer, Trevor analyses the systems and processes and ensure that they work for our clients. This ultimately leads our clients to have sustainable and long-lasting careers.

“My role at times presents challenges, but I really enjoy helping clients to realise their full potential,” said Trevor.

“I love working with my clients within their respective workplaces and with their employer to ensure that they have the skills and resources they need to bring their best self to work.”

When reflecting on his career, he has one standout client that comes to mind. He assisted this client throughout the peak of COVID-19 to ensure that they have the confidence they need after a long break out of the workforce.

In addition to the low confidence, the client was concerned with the health risks of returning to work.

Through collaboration with the client’s employer and mother, a plan was constructed for the return, which was successful.

In our podcast, Candid Conversations with Shaun Pianta, Trevor shares more details about his position, and the clients he supports. You can listen to the full episode below.

Due Trevor’s dedication to his position, he was recently awarded with a Client Experience award (pictured).

Get in touch today on 1300 080 856, or register your interest online, and let’s connect you with one of our many passionate team members who will work tirelessly to get you the right job with the right employer.

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