atWork Australia

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atWork Australia and Amazon collaborate to achieve Inclusion and Diversity in the workplace

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Amazon + atWork Australia work together creating opportunity for inclusion and diversity.

[Andrew] My name is Andrew Steven George Delphin. I’m 21 years old from Wiradjuri Land but my tribe is Ngiyampaa.

[Isikeli] I’m Isikeli and I’m 23 years old and I’m originally from Fiji.

[Andrew] I’ve struggled a bit with anxiety and social anxiety. Just simply trying to get up in the morning and have the confidence and motivation just to get up and keep going.

[Isikeli] Before I joined atWork Australia I’ve struggled with challenges. Looking for a job that understood my spectrum and my needs. I’ve worked in most jobs that they didn’t understand my spectrum and my needs so until I came to atWork Australia then I finally found an agency that finally understood my spectrum and my needs.

[Amazon representative] I think when anytime you’re talking about diversity equity and inclusion it’s very important to be intentional and so at Amazon we pride ourselves by leaning into our curiosity and trying to understand what help looks like like to the individual and then how we can best support that. But you have to be very intentional and you shouldn’t be afraid to challenge a status quo, we also shouldn’t put limits based on our own abilities we should really lean into curiosity be open-minded and then work together as a team on on what does success and support really look like for the human that we’re talking about.

We found that partnering with atWork Australia is critical to our success. atWork Australia took the time to come in and understand our business and our roles and then match the candidate suitability to to the roles that we have. It’s more than just a hiring strategy for us. Our work with atWork Australia is a long-term partnership and so having them come in and provide the coaching and the long-term support of our leaders, for our people with disabilities has been really important to us as well.

[Lavinia In-Work Support Coach atWork Australia] I’ve seen Isikeli really come out of his shell in such a short time span with Amazon. He’s engaging with everyone in his team, he’s building friendships, he’s forming friendships outside of his team and I think that’s just so amazing.

[Isikeli] I’m in pick-packing so I scan the items and I check to see if it’s damaged or not damaged. My favorite part of the job is the leadership, the teamwork, and the cooperation and the commitment. Me learning these things here in Amazon had changed my life.

[Andrew] Being employed has helped me a lot by just giving me something to wake up to.

[Isikeli] Having a job, it’s an honor and a privilege for me.

Amazon + atWork Australia – Connecting people and business so both can thrive.

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