atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Tracey and Glen hold up a wooden crate they made. Quote reads "“Courses such as ‘try a trade’ help clients realise what is possible. They gain confidence to obtain employment in an industry they may have never previously considered.” said Glen

Workforce Australia client, Tracey, who lives in Moora in Western Australia, wasn’t sure of her future career pathway.

After 13 children, she had spent most of her life as a primary carer. She was now at a stage in her life where she was ready to rejoin the workforce but wasn’t sure what type of work was right for her.

She had expressed to her Job Coach she might be interested in a role that was more active rather than a desk job for example.

So, when the ‘Try a Trade’ program run by Workforce Australia was offered, the team thought it would be a great fit for Tracey to broaden her employment horizons.

“When you have been out of the workforce for some time, finding out what is the right pathway can be tricky but events such as this give our clients the opportunity to investigate career pathways that they may never have considered or had the confidence to explore,” said atWork Australia’s Activation Consultant, Glen.

Qualified Tradesperson, Ryan, over two days demonstrated wood working and showed his group what could be achieved with a recycled wooden pallet.

“The program was a good fit for Tracey as she was able to investigate this career pathway without having to make commitments as she knew nothing about carpentry and woodwork.”

Tracey and others in the program, realised what they could achieve in only a few days, boosting their confidence to try a new career.

“When Tracey returned to the atWork Australia office after completing the course, she was excited to share what a positive experience it was,” said Glen.

“She was proud to show her new skills in workmanship to her family.”

The atWork Australia team has also supported Tracey into seasonal work in a factory, which was another opportunity for temporary work, so Tracey could find out what type of role was the best fit for her.

She has also been supported to purchase personal protective equipment that she can take with her as she trials other types of work, but so far Tracey is sure that an active role is right for her.

“Courses such as ‘try a trade’ help clients realise what is possible. They gain confidence to obtain employment in an industry they may have never previously considered,” said Glen.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Tracey expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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