atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Attending the information session meant Collette was getting out in the community, easing her anxiety, as well as subtly connecting with an employer. - Joanne, Job Coach, Workforce Australia, SA

At 45 years of age, Workforce Australia client, Collette had never been in paid employment. She entered the atWork Australia office in Gawler, SA, uncertain of the program, its benefits and if she wanted to enter employment.

To navigate this journey, she was partnered with Job Coach, Joanne.

“When I met Collette, she mentioned that she has never worked. She dedicated her life to raising her children,” said Joanne.

At this time, she was volunteering at a local Op Shop. “She was comfortable in what she was currently doing, volunteering. She was very nervous about trying anything new,” said Joanne.

In this first appointment together, Joanne explained the program, the benefits and the range of services available to her. She also took this opportunity to get to know Collette, her interests, skills, and what she likes most within her current volunteering position.

With Collette’s hesitations and anxiety in mind for starting employment, Joanne enrolled her within our in-house Wellness Services.

After attending a few more appointments both with Joanne, as well as the Wellness team, Joanne suggested to Collette to attend an upcoming Information Session with one of our local Employer Partners. This was suggested as it was a great first step on her journey.

“Attending the information session meant Collette was getting out in the community, easing her anxiety, as well as subtly connecting with an employer,” said Joanne.

“After attending the session, Collette considered going for the position. After encouragement from myself she attended an interview,” Joanne adds.

atWork Australia financially supported Collette and purchased clothing for her upcoming interview, as well as giving her fuel vouchers to ensure she travelled safely.

After a very successful interview, Collette was offered the Canteen Assistant position, working one day a week. This suited Collette perfectly. Within no time she was working two days a week and loving it.

Collette recently attended the office and mentioned that she is so grateful for Joanne and the team. She is thoroughly enjoying her position and is so glad that she did it.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Joanne expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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