atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

“Corey from atWork Australia has been a great help in finding me employment, especially with my identification.” - Seleena, atWork Australia client

When Job Coach, Corey, first met Workforce Australia client Seleena, she had little confidence in her ability to gain employment.

A proud First Nations woman, Seleena had moved around Western Australia and South Australia, couch surfing with friends and family. She was looking for employment to find stability for herself and her child.

“When I first met Seleena, she wasn’t sure what direction she wanted to take,” said Corey.

“The jobs she had looked at required a working with children’s check or police check, and without a birth certificate she wasn’t sure how to progress.”

Seleena barely had enough money for basic utilities so organising another birth certificate wasn’t possible. Corey was able to financially support Seleena to organise her birth certificate. He then supported her to complete a police check, working with children check, white card and a first aid certificate.

“When Seleena was filling in the paperwork for her pre-employment checks, she was glowing,” said Corey.

“Her self-belief started to grow immensely when she started to make progress towards employment.”

Seleena’s resume was updated with her new skills, and pre-employment checks. She was feeling on top of her game, and impressed Amanda from the atWork Australia employer engagement team.

Amanda had a perfect opportunity she felt would suit Seleena. Understanding Seleena’s barriers, the atWork Australia team organised a specialised interview for Seleena. Instead of a traditional interview, the employer was invited to the atWork Australia office in Davoren Park, South Australia, to have a coffee with Seleena and the team. This meet and greet style of interview, helped Seleena feel more at ease, and she aced the interview.

Corey and the team, then supported Seleena to purchase everything she would need to start her new role as a domestic cleaner, including cleaning supplies and work-related clothing.

“Seleena was so happy and excited when she found out she had the job she couldn’t contain her laughter,” said Corey.

“Corey from atWork Australia has been a great help in finding me employment, especially with my identification.” – Seleena, atWork Australia client

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Seleena expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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