atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

"I feel truly blessed to have had this opportunity. I am looking forward to my future." - Katelin, Workforce Australia, VIC

As a parent looking to re-enter the workforce after eight years, tailored support from the atWork Australia Drysdale team meant everything to Workforce Australia client, Katelin.

After completing her Bachelor of Commerce Majoring in Finance in February, Katelin was eager to enter the finance industry. But after spending the past eight years out of the workforce, she was finding it difficult to secure a job on her own. She reached out to atWork Australia in May for further assistance in her searches.

“When we started working with Katelin she was actively applying for work and attending interviews with a range of financial institutions. She was eager and enthusiastic about her journey,” said Service Manager, Julie.

After the conclusion of her first appointment with her Job Coach, Julian, atWork Australia recognised there was more that they could assist her with on the day to kick start her journey.

Pre-Employment Facilitator, Preet was available to review her resume and cover letter to ensure it was optimised for the positions she was looking at, as well as presenting all the skills she possessed.

By the second appointment, Katelin was referred to a variety of suitable positions, that catered to not only her skills, but also her caring responsibilities.

One of the positions she was put forward for was a Customer Service Manager position with a local mortgage broker. Once this employer reviewed her resume, they were eager to meet Katelin, and she was invited in for an interview.

After interview preparation with Julian, Katelin was successful in gaining the part time position, starting in June.

This position has been everything that Katelin has been dreaming of for the past several years.

“Since gaining employment, Katelin has been encouraged by the Director to pursue further studies. They have been so supportive and providing Katelin with mentorship and guidance to work in the finance sector,” said Julie.

After reflecting on her short four-week journey with atWork Australia, she says “I had a positive experience with atWork Australia. They made the process so quick, and simple. The staff were so supportive.”

“I feel truly blessed to have had this opportunity. I am looking forward to my future.” –   Katelin, atWork Australia client

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Katelin expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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