atWork Australia recently showcased our services at the Port Pirie Tarpari Wellbeing Day. This annual event focuses on the health and wellbeing on the local Indigenous Community, the Nukunu people of Port Pirie.
This year’s theme centered on diabetes awareness and informing the Indigenous community about available local support services including support to find employment.
The event also provides an opportunity for local support and community services to come together to look at ways to better support local Indigenous clients in a more holistic way.
“There was a really diverse range of different community organisations at the event, which provided atWork Australia with an opportunity to build new networks,” said atWork Australia’s Regional Manager for South Australia, Amber Clayton.
“By connecting with these services, we can enhance our support for our current Indigenous clients.”
Other organisations in attendance included Housing SA, the Red Cross and SA TAFE. Also in attendance was the Yorke Northern Local Health Network. atWork Australia is already in discussions with them to see how we can create meaningful work opportunities for our clients through this valuable service.
“atWork Australia brings together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, business and the community to educate, collaborate and to thrive through employment,” said Amber.
“Our clients also appreciate work where they can impact their communities. As work makes a difference in a person’s life, it also creates a better life for families.”
On the atWork Australia booth, we saw more than 100 potential clients, and learned about their personal challenges of employment in the local area.
atWork Australia also looks forward to building stronger connections with the local TAFE SA to create education pathways for more clients into meaningful employment.