atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Building a better Australia… one business, one person, one job, at a time

atWork Australia has supported thousands of Australians to prepare for, or find meaningful employment.  We’ve partnered with thousands of employers supporting both people and business to thrive.

Here are just a few of those stories.

Amelia receptive to new career role opportunity

Amelia receptive to new career role opportunity

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Anke ‘delivers’ a winning attitude to secure full-time employment

Anke ‘delivers’ a winning attitude to secure full-time employment

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Martin drives towards a life changing career

Martin drives towards a life changing career

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Positivum™ helps Cameron take life changing steps

Positivum™ helps Cameron take life changing steps

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Anthony loves his new job at local hardware store

Anthony loves his new job at local hardware store

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Linda secures kitchen hand role after 5 years of unemployment

Linda secures kitchen hand role after 5 years of unemployment

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Thomas’ never give up attitude secures him the right job

Thomas’ never give up attitude secures him the right job

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Thomas lands job after lifetime of unemployment

Thomas lands job after lifetime of unemployment

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Kylie rebuilds her life to reach employment goal

Kylie rebuilds her life to reach employment goal

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One Touch Technologies expands team through DES

One Touch Technologies expands team through DES

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Mother of two Narelle returns to full time employment

Mother of two Narelle returns to full time employment

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Jeanette is cooking up a bright future

Jeanette is cooking up a bright future

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Ryan finds the perfect job after a rocky start

Ryan finds the perfect job after a rocky start

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Jose “lifts” his qualifications to increase his employability

Jose “lifts” his qualifications to increase his employability

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Jan’s new job boosts his confidence at work and in life

Jan’s new job boosts his confidence at work and in life

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Chanh’s motivation removes her barriers to employment

Chanh’s motivation removes her barriers to employment

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After 13 years of unemployment Renee is offered two jobs

After 13 years of unemployment Renee is offered two jobs

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Sonia starts a new career path after her Epilepsy diagnosis

Sonia starts a new career path after her Epilepsy diagnosis

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Jorja studies her true passion, preparing her for her first job

Jorja studies her true passion, preparing her for her first job

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On the job support makes all the difference for Jack

On the job support makes all the difference for Jack

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