atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Building a better Australia… one business, one person, one job, at a time

atWork Australia has supported thousands of Australians to prepare for, or find meaningful employment.  We’ve partnered with thousands of employers supporting both people and business to thrive.

Here are just a few of those stories.

Gaining the confidence to try something new

Gaining the confidence to try something new

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Strategic and collaborative support assists Anne in developing her own business

Strategic and collaborative support assists Anne in developing her own business

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Finding a dream job in customer service

Finding a dream job in customer service

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Finding the right employer was a great step for Anne

Finding the right employer was a great step for Anne

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Mark is set to drive his career forward

Mark is set to drive his career forward

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The journey to independence for Thomas

The journey to independence for Thomas

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With the right patience and attitude, Joel was able to find the job he was looking for

With the right patience and attitude, Joel was able to find the job he was looking for

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Joseph is the first friendly face that people see when entering the hospital

Joseph is the first friendly face that people see when entering the hospital

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Employment leads to Jaycob’s independence

Employment leads to Jaycob’s independence

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Determination, dedication and the right coaching, guided Sairul to sustainable employment.

Determination, dedication and the right coaching, guided Sairul to sustainable employment.

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Client finds work after recovering from major surgery

Client finds work after recovering from major surgery

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Understanding Job Coach changes Luke’s life to the better.

Understanding Job Coach changes Luke’s life to the better.

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Age is not an employment barrier for David

Age is not an employment barrier for David

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Great communication and strong relationships lead to Lucy’s success

Great communication and strong relationships lead to Lucy’s success

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Reduced hours through job share leads to sustained employment for Kiana

Reduced hours through job share leads to sustained employment for Kiana

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Ninos gains confidence through simulated job interviews        

Ninos gains confidence through simulated job interviews        

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With the right support, Fahima finds employment

With the right support, Fahima finds employment

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Kathy finds meaningful work by going back to school

Kathy finds meaningful work by going back to school

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A family business gives Rhiannon new opportunities

A family business gives Rhiannon new opportunities

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Supportive Job Coach helps Adam back on his feet

Supportive Job Coach helps Adam back on his feet

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