atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Building a better Australia… one business, one person, one job, at a time

atWork Australia has supported thousands of Australians to prepare for, or find meaningful employment.  We’ve partnered with thousands of employers supporting both people and business to thrive.

Here are just a few of those stories.

Long-term unemployment no barrier for Bikash

Long-term unemployment no barrier for Bikash

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A career sea change gives Garry renewed self confidence

A career sea change gives Garry renewed self confidence

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Corey’s newfound confidence helps him to secure the perfect role

Corey’s newfound confidence helps him to secure the perfect role

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Tailored group sessions push through client barriers

Tailored group sessions push through client barriers

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Seeing a bright future in an industry that sparks joy

Seeing a bright future in an industry that sparks joy

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Positive reinforcement helps Ebony into sustainable employment

Positive reinforcement helps Ebony into sustainable employment

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Determination and motivation lead to Joseph’s success

Determination and motivation lead to Joseph’s success

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Employment was the pathway toward a happy life for Kristy

Employment was the pathway toward a happy life for Kristy

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When you think positive, good things happen and client Bahie is proof

When you think positive, good things happen and client Bahie is proof

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Setting the table for success

Setting the table for success

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Job Coach Brad finds a new job for Troy in just six days

Job Coach Brad finds a new job for Troy in just six days

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Through continued support, John sees out tumultuous times to gain sustained employment

Through continued support, John sees out tumultuous times to gain sustained employment

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Frequent mock-interviews allow Daniel to gain sustainable employment

Frequent mock-interviews allow Daniel to gain sustainable employment

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Businesses find the right staff for the job with atWork Australia

Businesses find the right staff for the job with atWork Australia

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PaTH program helping Christopher upskill and secure meaningful, long-term work

PaTH program helping Christopher upskill and secure meaningful, long-term work

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Building a positive relationship with an employer through a great employee

Building a positive relationship with an employer through a great employee

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Brendan and Jennifer: from jobseeker to long-term employed within atWork

Brendan and Jennifer: from jobseeker to long-term employed within atWork

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James sustains employment through a healthy work-life balance

James sustains employment through a healthy work-life balance

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Despite language barriers, Heshma is striving in her new role as a seamstress

Despite language barriers, Heshma is striving in her new role as a seamstress

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Brandon feels recharged in his new role at Battery World

Brandon feels recharged in his new role at Battery World

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