atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Derek, said, “Working with atWork Australia has been the best. Without them I would still be looking for work and trying to figure out what to do.”

Derek came to atWork Australia after an extended period of unemployment. Derek was facing multiple challenges, including living in the remote Wheatbelt region of Western Australia. He had limited skills and qualifications, a criminal record and he experiences mental health concerns.

With the support of atWork Australia’s Workforce Australia team in Merredin, WA, he began taking positive steps on his employment journey. He is now happily employed.

Derek was connected with his Job Coach, Nicole, and the pair began working closely to develop a pathway for Derek to return to employment.

Derek’s journey with atWork Australia was slow. However, Nicole was happy to work at his pace and take it one step at a time to build his confidence to return to work. Nicole worked with Derek every month to help him complete his job searches and ensure he was meeting his mutual obligations.

The pair continuously discussed various opportunities and career paths. Eventually, Derek decided he wanted to enter the Traffic Management industry and he became extremely focused on achieving this goal.

Now with a clear vision of what he wanted to do; Nicole made the arrangements for Derek to obtain his qualifications. Given that Derek lives in a remote region, he had to travel more than 200km to Perth to complete his Traffic Controller course and White Card.

Equipped with his new qualifications, Nicole began contacting local employers on Derek’s behalf and was able to negotiate a new position for him.

Since starting work, Derek has never been happier. He comes into the office when he can to say hello to the team and have a laugh. Job Coach, Nicole, said, “We love hearing all of Derek’s stories from his adventures out on the road and hearing about the different places his job has taken him.”

Employment has been amazing for Derek; his confidence has continued to grow, and he is loving his job. Derek said, “I can’t imagine ever doing anything else.”

“Working with atWork Australia has been the best. Without them I would still be looking for work and trying to figure out what to do,” said Derek.

“My Job Coach has been there to support me the whole way. She has always answered my calls and talked me through my low self-confidence. I can’t thank Nicole enough.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Derek expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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