atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia. Client Sarah says, “I have a renewed confidence and look forward to meaningful work that gives me a sense of purpose and fulfilment.”

Sarah entered the Workforce Australia, atWork Australia office in Clare, South Australia, anxious about her first appointment.

Sarah expressed that with her primary caregiver responsibilities as a mother, she had a lot on her plate and on her mind.

However, after meeting the atWork Australia team, Sarah felt at ease with the process, and reassured she would receive tailored support.

Sarah was looking to make a shift into a new industry such as hospitality, cleaning or individual support. She felt these industries would offer flexible work around her caregiving responsibilities.

In addition to flexible work, Sarah wanted a role she could find purpose and fulfilment from.

The atWork Australia team enrolled Sarah in a few short courses, so she could upskill in the industries she was interested in.

She participated in a course to gain café skills and completed a Certificate III in Individual Support.

Sarah was introduced to Employer Engagement Consultant, Emma, who was able to advocate to employers on her behalf.

This was a big advantage to Sarah, especially in the regional area of Clare, where flexible roles could be hard to find.

It wasn’t long before Emma had a role lined up the perfect role for Sarah, cleaning at a local business.

Sarah was further supported with a fuel voucher so she could attend work for those first few weeks. She was also supplied with work related clothing.

“I am super grateful for the opportunities atWork Australia have given me, including gainful employment.”

“The team has supported me and given me a second chance for not only employment but a worthwhile career.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Sarah expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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