atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Graziella and atWork Australia have been supportive from the very start. They have not been critical and have encouraged me. They believe in me. - Rachel, Workforce Australia, SA

At the age of 56, Workforce Australia client, Rachel, was looking to transition to new industry but was unsure where to begin.

In her first face to face appointment, she was met with Job Coach, Graziella in the Fulham Gardens, SA office.

“Rachel had a long career in Support Work. This was not something she wished to continue in. She was discouraged and was not sure what her next step should be,” said Graziella.

The atWork Australia team referred her to our in-house Wellness Services, as well as an external course – Career Training Assistance (CTA) to kick start her journey. These would later be the key pillars to success for Rachel.

“This support provided Rachel with the confidence to not only believe in herself in this transition, but to also realise the value that she brings to the workplace.” Graziella adds.

After completing her CTA course and whilst still attending her Wellness appointments, Rachel and Graziella started to discuss what opportunities Rachel would like to pursue based on her interests, transferable skills and availability.

She was later referred to a Certificate III in Food Processing. atWork Australia was able to financially support Rachel in this new phase of her journey and purchased a laptop for her to complete her studies.

“This course provided Rachel with routine, sense of achievement and motivation while working through a qualification leading her to a new industry.” said Graziella.

At all stages of Rachel’s journey, Graziella was her number one supporter, always encouraging her and reminding her of what she is capable of.

This support made all the difference to Rachel and her confidence in her abilities.

“Graziella and atWork Australia have been supportive from the very start. They have not been critical and have encouraged me. They believe in me.” –   Rachel, atWork Australia Client.

atWork Australia is continuing to support Rachel through her studies, looking out for the perfect position for her.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Rachel expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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