atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia

Norbert came to atWork Australia’s Workforce Australia office in Mount Hawthorn, WA, to get tailored support to find employment. For the past three years, Norbert had been unemployed while he was busy undertaking caring responsibilities. Previously, Norbert has been self-employed, however, he was looking to move in a different direction.

When Norbert met his Job Coach, Camila, they discussed his employment history, skills and experience. Norbert advised he was eager to find work. Norbert relied on public transport and feared this could restrict the opportunities that could come his way.

As a starting point, Camila believed Norbert would benefit from attending atWork Australia’s First Steps to Success event. First Steps to Success bring together a range of community services so individuals can gather information on what supports are available in their local area.

As Norbert was so eager to find work, atWork Australia were able to provide funding to help Norbert complete training that would support him to progress towards employment. Norbert completed his Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA), traffic control ticket, White Card and started driving lessons to work towards securing his driver’s licence.  Additionally, he has just completed a Certificate III in Community Services. Now Norbert has his new tickets and qualifications, his Job Coach, Camila encouraged him to attend atWork Australia’s Employer Hub. An Employer Hub brings together local employers and gives participants an opportunity to network and discover what opportunities are available.

However, while Norbert was busy completing his courses, atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Consultant, Elizabeth, came across the perfect opportunity for Norbert in the entertainment industry. Elizabeth told Norbert she thought he would be amazing at this role and referred him to a position with Events Services Australia.


Norbert was excited to hear that he had secured a position as a Customer Service Officer. Although, he was lacking confidence and was quite nervous about returning to the workforce. However, his Job Coach, Camila, continued to provide support and encouragement. Day-by-day Norbert is building his confidence in his new role.

Norbert constantly shows his appreciation for the support he has received from atWork Australia, regularly calling and visiting the team to say thank you for the outstanding customer service. Norbert’s Job Coach, Camila, said, “Norbert is happy to be working in the entertainment industry. He is now able to enjoy new experiences in an amazing workplace.”

“Norbert is grateful for the service we provide. He is respectful, kind and its clients like him that make me enjoy what I do,” said Camila.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Norbert, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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