atWork Australia

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Good News from atWork Australia. “Nelly-Anne found an opportunity that is a perfect fit for her and her situation,” said Shannon, activation consultant from atWork Australia

At 59 years old, Workforce Australia client, Nelly-Anne had limited work experience as she had spent most of her life caring for others.

Even now she is a primary carer for school aged grandchildren.

When she came to the atWork Australia Warrawong office, she expressed she would be interested in volunteer work to build her skills, if she could find something that would work within her caring responsibilities.

atWork Australia’s Activation Consultant, Shannon started to look for volunteer organisations so Nelly-Anne could be connected with a suitable Workforce Australia required activity.

She needed somewhere flexible who would allow her to start later in the day to fit with her circumstances.

“When I met with Nelly-Anne I immediately thought of the local Salvation Army shop due to its easy location. It’s in the same building as the atWork Australia office,” said Shannon.

“I contacted the supervisor and discussed Nelly-Anne’s needs around flexibility, and she was happy to organise an induction for her to see how she would go.”

As part of the Workforce Australia mutual obligation requirements, Kelly-Anne was required to participate in volunteering for eight weeks.

She enjoyed volunteering for The Salvation Army so much that she has continued to volunteer past the eight-week requirement.

Nelly-Anne appreciates the opportunity to participate in the community in a way that works around her commitments and caring responsibilities.

“Nelly-Anne found an opportunity that is a perfect fit for her and her situation,” said Shannon, atWork Australia Activation Consultant.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Nelly-Anne expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.


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