atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Kris stands proudly next to his Job Coach. Quote reads "Watching Kristopher grow as he is learning how to manage his tasks in the workplace has been very rewarding" said Job Coach Jade.

NDIS participant, Kristopher, could only work on certain days of the week for approximately 10 hours a week.

He came to the atWork Australia Disability Employment Services office in Miller, NSW, for support to find work that suited his needs.

Kristopher lives with an intellectual disability, and he wanted to find meaningful work in open employment.

When he met with his Job Coach, Jade, he was very keen to start working but needed support negotiating his requirements and finding a supportive and inclusive employer.

The team got to know Kristopher while motivating and encouraging him, especially as it took some time to find the right employer for him.

The atWork Australia team soon found Kristopher the right job as a Cleaner.

“Kristopher is happy to secure open employment, and I can see a huge improvement in his confidence,” said Jade.

Kristopher now works with our In-Work support team.

“Kristopher said it means a lot to him as it helped him with completing tasks in the workplace and showing him how to stay focused to perform his duties.”

When we asked Kristopher about his new job he said, ‘I like it.’

Not only has employment impacted Kristopher, but also his family.

“Kristopher’s family is very happy to see him working. Kristopher has had a boost of confidence and is in a happy place,” said Jade.

“Watching Kristopher grow as he is learning how to manage his tasks in the workplace has been very rewarding,” said Jade, atWork Australia Job Coach.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Kristopher expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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