atWork Australia

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Good News from atWork Australia. Job Coach Ashlee says Since gaining employment, Michelle’s confident has skyrocketed. She is happy for the support to find work she enjoys

Workforce Australia client, Michelle, had been out of work for seven years. When she connected with the atWork Australia office in Invermay, TAS, the long break in employment had significantly affected her self-confidence.

“Michelle was feeling down on herself, as her job applications hadn’t yet led to any interviews,” said her Job Coach, Ashlee.

“She felt she couldn’t land a job anywhere when she first started with us.”

Ashlee helped Michelle to participate in a Certificate III in Retail and a course named ‘Recipe for Success’ in Hospitality, so that she would have some up to date qualifications to add to her resume.

After this training, Michelle shared with Ashlee that her goal was to work in the retail space, but her self-confidence was still low.

They discussed a volunteering opportunity at the local City Mission Op Shop. Michelle thought that was a great idea, and the work experience could help on her resume.

This activity gave Michelle a new-found belief in herself, and it wasn’t long before she landed a causal position in retail.

“With this surge in confidence, Michelle was able to secure a retail assistant position that she is loving,” said Ashlee.

“We then supported her to purchase work related clothing including shoes.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Michelle expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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