atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Meg, said, “I have felt so much better physically and mentally since starting work. Leanne has always been there to support me.”

Disability Employment Services client, Meg, has been managing significant health concerns for a long period of time. With the support of atWork Australia’s Wanneroo team she has successfully returned to work after two years.

When Meg met with her Job Coach, she shared that she was living with multiple medical barriers, such as immunodeficiency, fibromyalgia, depression and anxiety. She needed to find employment that would be suitable for her health conditions.

Soon enough, Meg secured a cleaning position at a local school, which was perfectly suited to her abilities. Meg worked short shifts in the afternoons, which allowed her to have the morning to prepare mentally and physically for the day’s work. Additionally, Meg’s work aligns with the school term allowing her to rest and recover over the school holidays.

Now Meg is working, she is being supported by her In-Work Support Coach, Leanne, who supports Meg to thrive within her workplace.

Meg and Leanne discuss various challenges Meg is facing and Leanne supports her to communicate effectively with her employer. The pair have developed a strong working relationship where Meg feels comfortable to vent to Leanne, sharing her frustration, and Leanne is able to help her see a situation more clearly.

“Meg’s confidence continues to grow and her ability to affectively handle conflict is improving each day,” said Leanne.

“Meg works hard to maintain a positive mindset.”

Meg is quickly approaching her one-year work anniversary and is looking forward to celebrating this milestone. Meg has had a goal to enroll in horse riding lessons and plans to do this to celebrate her achievement.

Meg feels much happier and stronger within herself compared to before she connected with atWork Australia.

“I have felt so much better physically and mentally since starting work. Leanne has always been there to support me,” said Meg.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Meg expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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