atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

I am grateful to be a Job Coach, I love what I do – helping others achieve their goals. I enjoy bringing out the best in people and reminding them what they are capable of. - Viviana atWork Australia Job Coach, NSW

After eight years within the Employment Services industry, Viviana joined the atWork Australia team in June 2022 as a Job Coach.

Throughout her two years with atWork Australia she has assisted hundreds of clients to find sustainable, and meaningful employment.

“After being a medical receptionist for six years, I was looking for something more challenging and rewarding. This industry was exactly what I was searching for,” said Viviana.

She loves watching the growth, and transformations within her clients from the day she meets them, to the day that they land employment. She states, “I enjoy watching my clients build the confidence and motivation to get back into work again.”

Outside of the workplace, Viviana enjoys reading up about motivation and self-help skills. She stretches her knowledge beyond herself, and at times uses this knowledge to inspire and motivate her clients to achieve their goals.

One of her favorite quotes to keep her clients inspired is “Everything in life is temporary; whatever we are going through at the moment will not last forever.”

When reflecting on her career so far, there is one client story that stands out.

“One client told me he would never find work. I told him, one day he will stand at the door and wave goodbye to me as he will no longer need my assistance.”

“Months later, after referring him to a suitable job, he successfully got the job and came back in uniform on his day off standing at the office to say thank you and waving goodbye to me. It was a full circle moment for not only him, but me too.”

Although it might not be a surprise to her Hurstville co-workers, Viviana mentions she finds it hard to keep quiet. She loves chatting to people, getting to know them to ensure they can succeed.

“I am grateful to be a Job Coach, I love what I do – helping others achieve their goals. I am a people person. I enjoy bringing out the best in people and reminding them what they are capable of.”

Get in touch today on 1300 080 856, or register your interest online, and let’s connect you with one of our many passionate Job Coaches who will work tirelessly to get you the right job with the right employer.

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