atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Maugan, said, “I am so thankful for your support, Tanjah. I really appreciate atWork Australia for getting me a computer.”

Disability Employment Services client, Maugan, has previously worked in the retail industry. Since leaving his last position, he has found it difficult to re-enter the workforce and has been unemployed for four years.

Maugan had heard, by word of mouth, that atWork Australia offer a fantastic service, and decided to connect with the team in Nowra, NSW, to get support on his employment journey.

When Maugan met his Job Coach, Tanjah, he shared that he lives with a brain injury, and he has been finding it difficult to find employment on his own. He advised that he was eager to return to work or start studying. He wanted to find something new, exciting, and venture out of his comfort zone.

Tanjah was excited by Maugan’s enthusiasm; she wanted to do her best to support him on this journey. Tanjah and Maugan practiced mock interviews, developed his resume and focused on confidence building activities. In the background, Tanjah continued searching for positions, trying to find Maugan the perfect opportunity.

Tanjah was brainstorming with her team, looking at different ideas for Maugan. The team knew about an event being hosted by one of atWork Australia’s community partners and thought Maugan would benefit from attending.

By attending the event, Maugan discovered that Nowra TAFE was now offering a Certificate III in Childcare, an industry that Maugan was very passionate about.

With the support of his Job Coach, Maugan has enrolled and begun his studies. atWork Australia were able to provide funding for him to purchase a new laptop, ensuring he has the tools to be successful.

While Maugan is completing his study, Tanjah has shifted her focus to look for employment opportunities in before-and-after school care. This would allow him to work a few hours each week, gain valuable experience, while he works towards gaining his qualifications.

“Since starting his studies at TAFE, Maugan has become extremely positive and believes that he will soon start work. We are so proud of his progress,” said Tanjah.

“I am so thankful for your support, Tanjah. I really appreciate atWork Australia for getting me a computer,” said Maugan.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Maugan expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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