We cannot change our past, we can only learn from our mistakes and move forward, with the hope of a brighter future. This is exactly what Workforce Australia client, Lyndon, has done.
At 53 years old, Lyndon came to atWork Australia’s Joondalup office after being unemployed for one year.
Lyndon has previously spent time in prison and experienced difficulties with substances. These experiences have had a lasting impact on his motivation, confidence, and his mental health, while also creating additional barriers when it came to finding employment.
Ready to put the past behind him, Lyndon walked into the atWork Australia office with an open mind, prepared to take on new opportunities. His main goal was to secure full time employment and become self-sufficient.
Lyndon was being supported by Job Coach, Alana. After hearing Lyndon’s story and understanding his barriers, Alana encouraged him to connect with atWork Australia’s Wellness Services to get professional support to manage is mental health concerns.
After a discussion about suitable career opportunities, Lyndon was excited to explore traffic control opportunities. atWork Australia provided funding for him to complete all the required training and purchased the equipment he required to start work.
With support from atWork Australia, Lyndon soon landed a new position. After starting his new job, Lyndon has made a great impression on his employer and has now become a Crew Leader and has potential to progress into a supervisor position in the future.
Since Lyndon has transitioned back into the workplace, he is now being supported by In-Work Support Coach, Kadin, who will continue to support Lyndon to ensure he is thriving in his workplace.
“Lyndon is feeling more confident within himself and his ability to achieve his employment goals,” said, Kadin.
atWork Australia will continue to support Lyndon and look forward to celebrating with him as he progresses within his workplace.
“Thank you, for all the support from everyone at the Joondalup office, ” said, Lyndon.
Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Lyndon expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.