Indigenous client Kerin had spent many years caring for his mother. When she passed away, he was connected with the atWork Australia, Workforce Australia team in Albany, WA.
Having been out of the workforce and working through his grief, Kerin’s confidence to enter the workforce was low.
He shared with his Job Coach, that his goal was to gain part time or casual employment, so he could keep his housing. He also expressed interest in becoming an Indigenous Ranger, as he had previously done some work within this area with an elder.
Kerin’s Job Coach suggested he participate in Jobs for the Mob. A pre-employment course designed to support indigenous clients prepare for work.
The course helped Kerin identify some barriers he had to employment including having the right identification documents and gaining his driver’s licence which he would need to be a ranger.
Since participating in the course, the atWork Australia team has supported Kerin to obtain his birth certificate, gain a learner drivers permit and a photo identification card.
Part of this supported included attending the magistrates court with Kerin to ensure everything was signed off correctly.
Now that Kerin has the identification he needs to apply for work, he is taking the next steps in his goals and working towards his driver’s licence.
Without the support including financial support from atWork Australia, Kerin would not have progressed this far.
“atWork Australia has done heaps for me,” said Kerin.
atWork Australia continues to support Kerin to work towards his goal of employment as a ranger.
“Thank you to all the fella’s here and everyone in the Jobs for the Mob course,” said Kerin.
Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Kerin expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.