atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

"All of Ken’s hard work paid off. He is so excited to be back at work." - Tina, Workforce Australia, NSW

Meet Ken. A Sydney local Workforce Australia client who has spent the last eight years out of the workforce. To achieve his goals of re-entering employment, he connected with atWork Australia in Sydney, NSW.

At 53 years old, he has seen the work environment change throughout his life. He was not comfortable with navigating the current digital landscape. As a result, this also affected his confidence and at times his motivation to get a job. He shared this information with his Job Coach, Tina, when they first met.

In this appointment, Tina shared information about Workforce Australia, the PBAS system and how atWork Australia was here to support him.

Ken shared his work history, skills and interests with Tina so that a plan could be put in place to get him to where he wants to be.

“Ken shared that he had a long history of working in customer service and was eager to return,” said Tina.

With that in mind, a plan was put in place to get him there. This included one-on-one training with Tina for digital job searching, and Workforce Australia reporting and how to navigate it independently. It also included revamping his resume to ensure that it was up to date and accurately portrayed his skills.

atWork Australia also financially supported Ken by purchasing a smartphone to facilitate his job searches.

“This one-on-one training made a huge impact on Ken’s confidence and motivation. It was exciting to see!” said Tina.

With Ken’s confidence levels at a high, Tina began to refer him to suitable customer service positions. At this time, atWork Australia was working with a local employer on a pre-employment training program, which Ken enrolled in.

After this training program, he was invited to an interview with the employer, with Tina by Ken’s side for confidence; he was successful in gaining the position.

Ken is grateful for all the support and guidance that he has received from atWork Australia.

“All of Ken’s hard work paid off. He is so excited to be back at work.”Tina, atWork Australia Job Coach

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Ken expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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