atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good News Story from client Kellie. “Being back in the workforce has boosted my confidence and improved my self-worth. It has brought back my passion for working with children.” said Kellie

Disability Employment Services client, Kellie, is living with chronic pain. She had to leave her last place of employment around two years ago due to her health.

Not being able to work impacted her mental health and over the past two years her confidence dropped.

She came to atWork Australia in Eureka, VIC, looking for support to return to work now that she felt she had enough strategies to manage her pain.

She began working with Job Coach Khala who could see her confidence needed to be rebuilt, so that she could be ready for work.

“Kellie has worked so hard managing her pain. She has such a positive outlook but just needed support to rebuild her confidence to re-enter the workplace,” said Khala.

Kellie had a background in childcare but was worried about being a little older and if employers would consider her due to her health and age.

“My main support strategies to help Kellie was to help increase her confidence and to build rapport so she knew she has the support behind her,” said Khala.

With the help of local Employer Engagement Consultant, Ashlea, the atWork Australia team organised an interview for Kellie at a local childcare facility. She was successful in the role.

“We assisted Kellie to pay for her Car Registration so she could start work and reduce her current stress with this,” said Khala.

The team was very impressed that Kellie pushed through her anxiety about attending the interview and excelled in her responses to the interview questions.

“Kellie is now working back in a role she loves and is able to support children,” said Khala.

“She has improved her self-belief and mental health and continues to smash her goals and improve her life.”

Employment has had a positive and meaningful impact on Kellie. It has increased her self- belief and helped bring her passion back with working with children.

“Being back in the workforce has boosted my confidence and improved my self-worth. It has brought back my passion for working with children,” said Kellie.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Yeliz expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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