atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

I am happier with my life since becoming employed. Now that I make my own money, I can spend quality time with my son. - Johnny, Disability Employment Services, NSW

Meet Johnny, a father and first nations Disability Employment Services client living with Schizophrenia based out of Broadmeadow, NSW. Johnny has spent the last three years out of the workforce and was hesitant of re-entering. He had little trust in people and was always ‘on-alert’.

Within his first appointment with Job Coach, Ankit, this hesitancy was very evident. It led him to not share much information about himself. Once Johnny opened up with Ankit and wished to look for employment, Ankit involved Employment Engagement Consultant Ashleigh.

In this conversation, Ankit and Ashleigh took the opportunity to explain the support available to him, and how it would be tailored to him, and his journey, ensuring that he could go at his own speed.

“After this conversation between us all, Johnny was appearing to be more open, and beginning to show more trust in us, and the process,” said Ankit.

In following appointments, Johnny and Ankit discussed positions that Johnny felt he would enjoy. At first, he suggested a cleaning position, but he would later be open to alternative avenues.

“Based on current vacancies, Johnny was referred to a hospitality position that worked for his health, transport requirements and availabilities. The business is located within Johnny’s community and is easily accessible by public transport which settled his nerves.”

“Ahead of his interview, we purchased clothing that Johnny could wear, as well as created a mock interview environment to ensure that he was prepared,” Ankit adds.

He was later successful in this interview and secured the Takeaway Attendant role. In-Work Support Coach, Sarah, connected with the Employer and negotiated that his shifts would be at times that worked for him.

After being in this position for a few months, Johnny is thriving and has made some friends in his workplace. Sarah shares, “The chef at Johnny’s workplace has a communication barrier with English being their second language.”

“Johnny has since become the ‘middleman’ and shares messages between the chef, and other staff. Johny frequently goes crabbing with the chef to catch crabs that the chef will then cook in the restaurant for the team.”

Employment has not only changed Johnny’s life, but his sons too.

“I am happier with my life since becoming employed. Now that I make my own money, I can spend quality time with my son.”  –  Johnny, atWork Australia client.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Johnny expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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