atWork Australia

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Jobs for people with Neurodiverse conditions

At atWork Australia, we believe that employment can change lives. We believe that no barrier is too large in finding the right job, the right employer or the right employee. We’re experts at helping people living with neurodiverse conditions find good work, and we know that neurodiverse people have an array of diverse talents and strengths that benefit the workforce.

“Neurodiversity is a concept where neurological differences are to be recognised and respected as any other human variation”

The National Symposium

What is Neurodiversity?

Types of neurodiversity include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Dyscalculia, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, and Tourette Syndrome. There are many other types of neurological differences.

The benefits of Neurodiverse recruitment

It has long been recognised that people living with neurodiversity can have unique qualities and excel in specific areas.

There are clear benefits and competitive advantages to having employees who think differently. Attributes commonly associated with neurodiverse employees include:

  • Creativity and innovation
  • Lateral thinking
  • Strategic analysis
  • Bringing a ‘different perspective’
  • Development of highly specialised skills
  • Consistency in tasks once mastered

Individuals living with Neurodiversity can display strengths in different areas, including:

  • High levels of concentration on areas of interest
  • Hyper-focused
  • Long-term memory skills and detail-oriented
  • Ability to see patterns and think visually
  • Non-judgemental listening, loyalty and honesty
  • ‘Big picture’ thinking
  • High aptitude

Check out one of our stories about Thomas, who’s on the autism spectrum. With a little bit of extra support from our Disability Employment Services team, atWork Australia helped Thomas find good work with the right employer.

We are proud to work with the Neurodiversity Hub community of practice to support neurodivergent people into employment. Click here to find out more:

atWork Australia are Disability Employment Service providers, well experienced in helping neurodiverse people find good, lasting work, and helping employers find good talent for their businesses. If you, or someone you know, lives with a neurodiverse condition, or if you’re looking to expand your talent pool, get in touch with us today.

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