atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Klair stands with an atWork Australia team member with a smile on her face. She says “I am thankful for the help in finding a position. Including being able to carve a position for me and supporting me through training.”

Workforce Australia client, Klair, needed to return to work to support her family.

She was introduced to the atWork Australia team in Northam, Western Australia.

“Klair’s partner had recently sustained an injury,” said Service Manager Adrian.

“She was supporting her partner, and looking after her children, while trying to find time to find the perfect role for her.”

Klair had experience in the hospitality industry, but she couldn’t find anything via the traditional channels that worked for her. She needed a role with flexibility to support her caring responsibilities and would bring in enough income to support her family.

Adrian took the time to get to know Klair, including her employment goals, experience and skills.

He introduced her to the local employer engagement consultant, and together they started speaking with local business to ‘job carve’ the perfect role for Klair.

Job carving is when you work with an employer to create a job that fits your skills and abilities.

The team contacted a local hotel and explained Klair’s experience and her personal circumstances. They were impressed with her background, and willing to work with Klair on flexible hours.

This even included doing split shifts so that Klair could continue to do school pick up for her children.

atWork Australia supported Klair to purchase work related clothing and a fuel voucher to get to required training before she began the role.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Klair expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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