atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Jennifer, said, “I love the positive and fun vibe at atWork Australia. I highly recommend atWork Australia to anyone looking for a caring job provider who understands."

After more than a year of unsuccessful job searches, Disability Employment Services client, Jennifer, was feeling frustrated with the lack of support and guidance she was receiving through out her employment journey. Enough was enough, Jennifer decided it was time to seek alternative support on her employment journey and chose atWork Australia as her provider of choice.

It can be a daunting process starting fresh with a new provider. However, Jennifer was quickly rewarded for having the courage to take an alternative approach, as eight days after commencing with atWork Australia she is preparing to start two new jobs.

When Jennifer met her Job Coach, Katrina, at the Noarlunga office in SA, she shared her  frustration with the lack of support she had previously received, and it was impacting her anxiety. Katrina acknowledged the challenges she had been facing and assured her that it would be different with atWork Australia. The pair had an in-depth conversation as Katrina was trying to learn about Jennifers skills, interests and employment goals. Jennifer said she would love to work as a disability support worker. However, at this point she was prepared to do anything as she was eager to return to the workforce to support her children.

In conversation, Jennifer mention that she volunteered in the canteen at her children’s school. This got Katrina’s attention, she explained that atWork Australia had a wonderful relationship with Rory’s School Lunches and asked if she would consider a canteen position. Jennifer jumped at the opportunity and thought it would be perfect for her.

Katrina connected Jennifer with atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Team, who contacted Rory’s School Lunches and secured an interview and a work trial for the following week. In preparation for the work trial atWork Australia provided funding for suitable workwear and an Uber to get to and from her work trial. After a successful work trial Jennifer was delighted to be offered the position.

At the same time, Jennifer had also applied for a disability support worker role and was also successful in securing this position. Jennifer can’t believe the changes she has made after being with atWork Australia for a week. She is absolutely thrilled with how things have turned out and is excited to take on both new positions. “Within six days Katrina had found me a job, not just any job, but one I really enjoy with a reputable employer. She helped me update my resume, prepare for my interview and was there to encourage me on the day,” said Jennifer.

“It is very clear that Katrina is passionate about her work and genuinely cares about the clients she supports. Katrina was just as excited as I was when I got the job.”

“Jennifer has been incredibly grateful for the support of atWork Australia. She is loving her new job and being able to provide for her family. In this short period of time, Jennifer’s mental health has improved by gaining employment she loves,” said Katrina.

“I love the positive and fun vibe at atWork Australia. I highly recommend atWork Australia to anyone looking for a caring job provider who understands. My sincere thanks and gratitude,” said Jennifer.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Jennifer expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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