When Workforce Australia client, Jack, connected with atWork Australia in Hurstville, NSW, he had one goal in mind; find long-term employment so he could support his daughter.
Jack is a single father, his main priority is to care, provide, and be a good role model for his daughter.
When Jack met his Job Coach, Viviana, he shared that he was passionate about the education industry and would one day love to be a teacher. However, he had no confidence in his ability to achieve this goal, as he thought of teaching as a female dominant position.
Not believing he could achieve this goal, Jack wanted to focus on finding any position that was flexible around his caring responsibilities, so he could begin earning an income to support his daughter.
With Job Coach, Viviana, continuing to motivate him, he began feeling more confident and soon secured a position as a kitchen hand.
Jack was happy in his new position, as his employer provided him with flexibility to work within school hours. However, Viviana knew this wasn’t the position he truly wanted, and that he would love to work in the education space.
Through regular progress appointments, by practicing mock interviews, Jack slowly began to build his confidence and motivation to chase his dream of being a teacher.
Today, Jack is living his dream. He has realised that hard work pays off and that dreams can come true. He is currently working as a TAFE lecturer, teaching the Adult Migrant English Program. Jack was thrilled to secure this position. With atWork Australia’s support, he was able to quickly purchase a laptop and new professional clothing to start his new job.
“I specifically chose this course to teach. My mother was a migrant, so I really wanted to help others improve their English speaking, reading and writing skills,” said Jack.
“I am so happy to see Jack in this position. He is helping to inspire others to believe that their dreams can come true. It just takes time, persistence and determination,” said Viviana.
“I am very fortunate to work with Viviana. She is the most supportive, considerate, and kindest person I have ever worked with. When I have any problems, she is the person that I can rely on, and I can always seek help from her,” said Jack.
Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Jack expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.