atWork Australia

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Good News from atWork Australia. InWork Support Coach Linda says “InWork Support has been a positive support system for Jo to keep her job.”

Disability Employment Services client, Jo, wanted support to maintain her self-employment. She was connected to In-Work Support Coach, Linda, at the Tabulam office in Northern New South Wales.

Jo was experiencing some stress in her life and needed the additional support to maintain 15 hours of work per week.

Every fortnight, Linda and Jo would discuss her stress and work together to find solutions.

“Jo explained she was cleaning in an outdoor environment with long grass and was concerned about snakes,” said Linda.

“We were able to support her to purchase new work boots and encouraged her to speak to the workplace about ensuring a snake bite kit was onsite.”

Even through her most stressful moments, with the support of atWork Australia, Jo was able to maintain her employment. This stability and regular income were important to Jo.

“Jo was experiencing some external stresses in her life. I was able to speak to her about ensuring she spent time to prioritise her self-care,” said Linda.

“I also let her know about Wellness support offered by atWork Australia, should she need it.”

This support helped Jo remain in a good head space so she could continue to prioritise her employment.

“Jo has been through a low point but has come through the other side, which has been beneficial to her self-esteem and self-confidence,” said Linda.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Jo expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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