atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Imelda stands proudly smiling.  Quote reads "atWork Australia’s support means a lot to me. I managed to accomplish lots of things and have successfully landed a new job because of their support and guidance"

When Workforce Australia client, Imelda entered the atWork Australia office in Wanneroo, WA, back in 2022, she had a goal in mind.

She shared with her Job Coach, Sasha, that she wanted to work as a support worker but without employment, she was unable to pay for the required training.

Sasha supported Imelda to enrol in a Certificate III in Individual Support via an online training provider to allow Imelda to work casually while she completed her study.

Over the next few months, Imelda worked hard on her study, while sometimes completing casual work. She checked in with Sasha regularly who provided encouragement and support along the way.

As Imelda entered the part of her study which required work placement, Sasha was on hand and able to support her to find a suitable placement.

Sasha was able to secure Imelda a work placement with an employer who she hoped would be able to offer her work.

Sasha and the atWork Australia team financially supported Imelda to obtain her Police and NIDS check needed for the role.

Once her placement was complete, Imelda was offered a support worker role.

“Imelda worked really hard to get to where she is now, in her dream role,” said Sasha.

“We are really proud of her.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Imelda expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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