atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client , Shane, said, "If you are ready to make a positive change, the atWork Australia team in Mandurah are amazing at what they do."

Disability Employment Services (DES) client, Shane, has been out of work for the past two years. Prior to this, he maintained steady employment in the earthmoving industry. However, due to a combination of personal challenges and alcohol dependence, Shane left his job to focus on improving his health and work towards sobriety.

Since commencing with atWork Australia in Mandurah, WA, Shane has been eager to return to work and always willing to accept the support of his Job Coach, Louise. Shane spoke about his personal challenges with alcohol dependency, his mental health concerns, and his overall confidence in his ability to return to work.

Shane and Louise had an honest conversation about how he could progress towards employment. The pair decided that the first, and most important step was for Shane to get support to manage his personal barriers. Louise referred Shane to atWork Australia’s internal DES Allied Health services, where he could receive professional support to manage his mental health concerns.

By working closely with the DES Allied Health team, Shane was supported to deal with some of his personal crisis which had been impacting his mental health.

He began to make positive progress and was feeling much more confident within himself. He believed he was now ready to return to work.

Shane shared his employment goal was to secure his Driver’s Licence and find work as a laborer. To help Shane achieve this goal, Louise connected him with atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Team to tap into their network of employer partners.

Shane continued having open conversations with the Employer Engagement Team, trying to identify the perfect opportunity for him. As a result of a team effort, Shane soon secured a laborer’s position with a local contractor.

In preparation to start work, atWork Australia supported Shane to obtain his White Card and his personal protective equipment, such as steel cap boots and work clothing.

Shane is now happily working full-time and loving his new job. He continues to make positive changes in his life such as regularly going to the gym and enjoying living a healthier lifestyle.

Now Shane is working, he is being supported by his In-Work Support Coach, James, who will continue to support him throughout his employment journey.

“Shane still pops into the office to say hello. I have noticed a huge positive shift in Shane’s confidence, his positive outlook on life and bubbly personality is infectious,” said James.

“He now has confidence in himself, there is no limit for his potential.”

“If you are ready to make a positive change, the atWork Australia team in Mandurah are amazing at what they do. Not only are they professional, but also empathetic and  wonderful to work with. If I ever found myself in the situation I was once in, I would consider myself lucky to be placed with atWork Australia again,” said Shane.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Shane expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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