With atWork Australia in her corner, Disability Employment Services client, Kim gains the confidence to return to the workforce for the first time since 2009.
When Kim entered the atWork Australia office in Macquarie Fields, NSW, she was nervous to take the next steps on her employment journey. She did not know what to do, or how to do it after 15 years out of the workforce. A lot has changed in that time.
Living with a phobia of connecting with people, it is a big thing for Kim to connect and put trust in people. So, when her Job Coach, Jermyn, met Kim, he ensured that he shared information about himself and the support atWork Australia provides.
“By getting to know Kim, her phobia and what triggers it most, I was able to slowly build rapport,” said Jermyn.
The combination of her phobia and extended period out of the workforce led Kim to have low confidence in her abilities, and her self-worth. When these thoughts arose, Jermyn was quick to shut them down.
Jermyn’s ability to listen, and genuine nature led Kim to open up. Something she was unable to do with her previous providers.
Not only did the atWork Australia team make her feel confident to open up, but they also instilled confidence within her to try a new industry. Kim shares, “They gave me the confidence to do something different.”
‘Something different’ to Kim was a Laundry Assistant position. After various interview preparation sessions with Jermyn, Kim was successful in gaining the position.
Upon reflecting on their journey together, Jermyn shares, “Kim came across as a very shy person that kept to herself and was not very talkative. Over time, Kim’s confidence grew and is now very outgoing and confident person.”
“Kim has now been employed for two months and is going from strength to strength.”
Kim is grateful that she made that bold first move in connecting with atWork Australia. “I am glad I chose atWork Australia. It was a turning point for me. I did not receive the same amount of support previously,” said Kim.
Having a job means everything to Kim.
“I have a job; I have a life. I feel more comfortable that I can go to atWork Australia with anything that I need.”
“I love life now. Life is positive.” – Kim, atWork Australia client.
Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Kim expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.