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How to Eliminate Gender Inequality in The Workplace

Gender inequality is still a pressing issue in our communities and workplaces, despite the knowledge we have to make improvements. This is an issue that many women around the world are facing daily, and unfortunately, a major issue in Australia too.  According to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, in 2023-2024, on average women earned more that 20% less than men for performing the same or similar jobs, with the same qualifications and experience. This leaves you to wonder… Why?!

What is gender inequality?

To remove gender inequality from our communities and workplaces, we first must understand what it is. Gender inequality is any unequal treatment of a person based on their gender. This can occur in many ways; in some instances, it might be subtle or hard to recognise. For example, a woman not being able to voice her opinion in a meeting with men, missing out on promotions, or not having the same opportunities as their male counterparts

Gender inequality in the workforce: common examples in the workplace

The workplace has typically been a breeding ground for gender inequality. Time and time again we hear situations where women are being paid less, receive fewer opportunities for promotion and career progression, and are often looked over due to unconscious bias. Here are just a few of the examples of gender inequality in the workplace.

Gender based income and wage disparities

One of the most well-documented examples of gender inequality in the workplace is the gender pay gap. As outlined above, on average women are earning more than20% less than men for performing the same or similar roles. The consequences of the gender pay gap impacts more than just individual earnings. Earning lower wages impacts a woman’s ability to provide for their family, reduces their long-term financial security, their ability to invest, build wealth and prepare for retirement.

The gender pay gap can also have a negative impact on workplace culture and team morale. If you know your colleague is being paid more, purely because of their gender, this will impact a person’s motivation, lead them to feel undervalued, and ultimately become disengaged and question their future within the organisation.

Barriers to promotion

This example of gender inequality could be a flow on effect of other issues related to gender inequality in the workplace. For example, if a woman cannot have her thoughts and ideas heard, she might be seen as less capable and not be considered for a promotion. Additionally, when a woman is being paid 20% less then their colleague, it could be easy to adopt a mindset of “why should I put in as much effort as them, I don’t get paid the same”. Although this is a valid point of view, this mindset then has a direct impact on their performance and opportunities for career growth. atWork Australia released a podcast to celebrate International Women’s Day and recognise the incredible contributions woman make to society. The episode features atWork Australia client, Jasmine, who openly speaks about additional challenges she has faced, simply because she’s a woman. Jasmine speaks about her impressive career journey and shares her hope for the future, “I would like to be able to speak for myself and have people listen.” You can listen to episode 27, here.

Conscious and unconscious biases in hiring

Unfortunately, there are still situations where both conscious and unconscious bias impact decision making in the recruitment process. Regardless of the gender of the hiring manager, people have both conscious and unconscious bias to whom they think might be best suited for the job. The challenge is to remove these biases and let the applicant’s qualifications, skills and experience be the determining factor for who is the successful candidate. An example of unconscious bias (which could be made from any gender), is looking at a job position and determining which gender is best suited for the position. Conscious bias could be, not hiring a woman due to assumed caring responsibilities or awarding a promotion based on personal connections. atWork Australia have released a great article outlining how Awareness is key to removing unconscious bias in the workplace.

Lack of reasonable accommodations for caregivers

In this modern world, more often than not, both parents are required to work. Therefore, many employees have competing priorities as they attempt to juggle their professional and personal responsibilities. Traditionally, the majority of the caring responsibilities fall on women, and they’re the ones who have to ask for additional accommodations and flexibilities in their workplace. Unfortunately, this can sometimes (in a workplace that does not value gender equality) impact their professional development. They could be viewed as unreliable, or they’re not committed to their role. Again, this could lead to women being passed over for promotion or being pushed out of the workplace. Workplace accommodations come in many forms, which could include changes to work processes and procedures, to physical changes to the work environment. The common aspect of all workplace accommodations is, they are all designed to give a person an equal opportunity in the workplace. If you’re looking to remove barriers and create a more accessible and diverse workplace, consider the accommodations and flexibilities that could be offered to support your team. atWork Australia can also help with planning for workplace diversity.


How to build gender equal workplaces

It is undeniable that the examples of gender inequality outlined above can significantly impact productivity, employee wellbeing and overall business stability in the long run. Who could blame a person for not being fully invested in their workplace if they experience these inequalities. The first step in eliminating gender inequality is to be aware of it. Thankfully, there are many ways both employees, managers and business owners can overcome gender inequality at work. Here are a few examples.

Encourage more women in leadership roles

By encouraging women to pursue leadership roles, it allows them to have more influence on decisions that impact the broader workforce, as they have the opportunity to connect with decision makers within the business. Also, when women see other women in senior positions, it can motivate others to be ambitious and set their goals higher.

Ensure equal access to mentorship & career growth programs

In order for women to be able to secure leadership positions and progress within a business, there needs to be equal access to mentorship and career growth programs. It is crucial that conscious and unconscious bias is removed from this selection process.  For example, ensuring people are not selected because of their social connection with the boss or their part of the “boys club.”

Conduct training and webinars to encourage Dialogue

To combat gender inequality, the issue must be spoken about. Employees at all levels of the business must be aware of how the organisation values diversity and gender equality in the workplace. By delivering training and webinars, the benefits and views of gender equality and diversity can be reinforced by the business.

Let’s overcome gender inequality in the workplace

The first step to removing gender inequality is acknowledging and taking accountability for its existence. Let’s stop making decisions based on a person’s gender, see them for an individual person, their skills, experience and value they can bring to an organisation.

Are you experiencing additional challenges trying to enter the workplace? Get in touch with atWork Australia today and get tailored support on your employment journey. We believe, work is for everyone.

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