atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Helen, said, “atWork Australia has been very supportive and I really appreciate all the support they have provided me through my journey to employment.”

When Workforce Australia client, Helen, came to atWork Australia she was dealing with significant personal challenges, she needed support from someone who would be patient and understanding of the challenges she was facing.

That’s the support she received when she met her Job Coach, Sona, at atWork Australia’s Hindmarsh office, SA.

When Helen connected with atWork Australia she was living with mental health concerns and was dealing with multiple personal crises, including financial hardship, and home detention for a long period of time. On top of this, Helen is a single mum trying her best to raise her children.

Helen was very honest with her Job Coach, Sona, she shared she was struggling, was very anxious and felt as if she was stuck and couldn’t see a way to change her life. She felt like every time she began to improve her life, she was delt another problem and ended in a worse position. Sona listened to Helen, acknowledging she had been dealing with some significant challenges. Sona encouraged Helen to focus on one problem at a time and assured her that atWork Australia were here to support her to find employment.

Throughout Helen’s journey with atWork Australia Sona was able to tailor her monthly requirements, so she could focus on her main priority, her health and family.

Sona was always there to support Helen. She used positive language, creating a safe space for Helen to openly speak about her feelings. Together they would problem solve to find suitable solutions to help Helen progress towards employment. Sona continued motivating Helen and encouraging her not to lose focus of her goal of securing employment.

“I have felt very supported since the day I stepped into the atWork Australia office. I feel I was really listened to; no problem was too big or too small,” said Helen.

With the support of atWork Australia, Helen is taking positive steps in her employment journey and has recently started a new position as a waitress.

“After being supported by atWork Australia I feel like a new person on a new path. I am happy to be earning money to be able to support my family,” continued Helen.

“Helen has improved her motivation and self-belief, something she did not have before. She is more confident to achieve her goals and her outlook on life is much more positive,” said Job Coach, Sona.

“atWork Australia has been very supportive and I really appreciate all the support they have provided me through my journey to employment,” said Helen.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Helen expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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