atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Health benefits of work

Employment is a powerful tool. It helps to improve the welfare and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. Put simply, people are generally better off when they’re working. They can pay their bills, support their loved ones, and enjoy a sense of contribution to their community.

Meaningful work is essential to the wellbeing and mental of nearly everyone. Work that satisfies you and fulfils a purpose also helps you to:

  • Create a sense of personal achievement, identity and purpose
  • Add to your superannuation and provide a regular pay check
  • Learn new skills and gain experience
  • Be intellectually challenged
  • Progress your career (and earn more money)
  • Connect with people and your community
  • Have freedom to manage your life, your way
  • Improve your financial situation
  • Have a reason or purpose to get up every day
  • Contribute to something and achieve success
  • Improve your mental health
  • Build a routine
  • Work towards bigger goals
  • Find work-life balance

We know the value of employment to an individual’s health and wellbeing. We work hard to:

  • Promote the awareness of the health, and mental health benefits of good work
  • Support and encourage those attempting to find and keep meaningful work
  • Tailor every clients service to support their goals and to ensure that when they find good work, they can maintain it
  • Encourage employers to support the occupational health of their workers
  • Enable employers to make positive changes to their workplace through education and training resources
  • Advocate for continuous improvement in public policy around work and health

Thrive through the health benefits of work.

Learn new skills and gain experience

Connect with new people and your community

Have the freedom to manage your life, your way

Improve your financial situation

Meet Kim

Kim was successful in securing an interview at a local café. The employer was impressed with Kim’s determination, persistence, and enthusiasm saying, “Workplace training can be tough, but work ethic and enthusiasm are very hard to come by.”

Kim’s new employer said they look for people who are “confident, determined, and show initiative over skills and experience.”

Kim has now transformed her outlook on life, realising her barriers have nothing to do with her capabilities to work or to be successful in achieving her goals.”

The Mental Health Benefits of Work

Provides a sense of community and social inclusion

Allows you to feel you are contributing to your family and society

Gives structure to your days and weeks

Provides you with financial security

To read a transcript of this video, click here.

The evidence is compelling: for most individuals, working improves general health and wellbeing, and reduces psychological distress.

Stable secure employment is a life-changing experience. For some people, they have been able to move out of social housing into private rentals, or achieve their goals of studying at TAFE or university.

Do you want to re-skill for an exciting and engaging new career?

We can help access courses, training and tickets to get you where you want to be, so you can  thrive through the health benefits of good work. We believe work’s for everyone.

To read a transcript of this video, click here.

Realise The Health Benefits of Work Today

Call us on 1300 080 856 today to speak with one of our employment specialists and realise the health benefits of work today.

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