atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia in Goonellabah. Client Natasha says The support provided by atWork Australia has improved my self-esteem and self-confidence in all aspects of my life

Disability Employment Services Client, Natasha, had recently left a bad situation at home. She had very limited work experience but needed to find employment to support her family.

She started working with the atWork Australia team in Goonellabah, New South Wales.

She shared with the team that her goal was to find employment where she could make a difference.

The atWork Australia team supported her to gain a Certificate III in Individual Support in aged care; an industry where she could make a difference to the lives of others. Also, an industry in demand in the region to support her to find a job quickly.

With the support of the atWork Australia team, she was able to secure employment doing in-home support, including personal care shifts and social shifts, such as taking clients shopping.

The team financially supported Natasha to get to work for those first few weeks and organised work-related clothing for her.

Natasha lives with mental health conditions and was connected to InWork Support Coach, Linda, for assistance in her new job.

For Natasha, maintaining her health and wellbeing was important to her but she didn’t want it to impact her ability to work.

When Natasha was feeling low, often a chat with Linda would help her to feel supported and able to continue with work.

Linda also supported her with her health concerns at work.

“During a particularly hot week, Natasha was finding the houses she worked in to be very hot,” said Linda.

“I reminded her of the impact this could have on her health, and we discussed ways she could remain cool at work including drinking plenty of water with electrolytes.”

Natasha has now been successfully employed for a year and is also now mentoring new staff.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Natasha expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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