atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

“My experience with atWork Australia has been amazing. Aimee increased my self-confidence to find work and return back to the job I am passionate about.” – Dean, Workforce Australia Client

For most of his life, Workforce Australia client, Dean, had worked in the marine industry. He was passionate about the work and really enjoyed it.

However, he hadn’t worked in the past three years, having recently been released from custody. It also looked like he may not be able to return to the industry he once loved.

Job Coach Aimee from the Corrimal atWork Australia office, could see all of this was impacting Dean’s mental health.

She referred him to our in-house Wellness Services for support. Meanwhile Aimee worked closely with Dean to start building on alternative employment options.

Starting in a brand-new industry that he wasn’t sure about was daunting to Dean, as a 56-year-old. However, he decided to give Traffic Control a go.

“I was not in a good place when I started, but working with Aimee and the Wellness team has been a great help,” said Dean.

atWork Australia supported Dean to complete the required qualifications and tickets to start in Traffic Control. They also supported him to purchase work related clothing when he picked up casual employment.

In December 2024, Dean heard he was able to return to the job he loved in the marine industry, and with Aimee’s assistance updated his Marine Safety Qualifications.

He was financially supported to obtain a passport, which was something he required to return to the role.

“Dean stayed motivated through all of life’s ups and downs,” said Aimee.

“Now that he can get back to a job he is passionate about his confidence and self-belief is growing.”

“My experience with atWork Australia has been amazing. Aimee increased my self-confidence to find work and return back to the job I am passionate about.” – Dean, Workforce Australia Client

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Dean expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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