atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Three people stand in front of a forklift inside a warehouse. “People are motivated and enjoy coming into work for Universal Anodisers. It’s a place where both clients and company thrive.” said Isabel

Universal Anodisers has been using employment services to find suitable candidates for many years. To date, they have provided opportunities for more than ten atWork Australia clients.

They have always believed in finding candidates who have the right attitude above anything else.

Last year the business changed management, and new Managing Director, Krishan, was introduced to atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Consultant, Isabel.

Working with employment services was a new experience for Krishan.

“Krishan said finding the right people for his team was one of his hardest tasks,” said Isabel.

“He was amazed at how we could find those candidates for him. Saving time and money for the company.”

For Universal Anodisers, whose unofficial motto is ‘impossible is possible’, finding candidates who are an asset to the company’s culture is important. They then provide training for new team members.

Training involves a buddy system with an experienced team member. They focus on a culture where asking questions and seeking feedback is encouraged. Their systems are very organised making the roles easy to learn and succeed in.

This environment supports atWork Australia’s clients to thrive, and for one client, Dennis, an opportunity to work when no other employers would give him a chance.

Dennis faced rejection, after rejection, from employers due to his limited work history and past. He was determined to work hard and change his life. This job with Universal Anodisers allowed Dennis to find stable accommodation.

“People are motivated and enjoy coming into work for Universal Anodisers. It’s a place where both clients and company thrive,” said Isabel.

Looking for great talent to join your workplace? atWork Australia’s Government funded employment service is here to help. Get in touch today to find out more 1300 080 856 or enquire online

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