atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Charlotte, said, “Everything is possible. I am on a new journey."

For 23-year-old, Workforce Australia client, Charlotte, managing her personal finances was becoming overwhelming; it created additional stress and impacted her ability to secure employment.

Charlotte had been unemployed for multiple years, which created financial difficulties. She was eager to return to work and begin earning a regular income.

However, to secure employment, Charlotte needed to be more financially savvy. She needed to learn how to manage her budget to ensure she had enough money to prepare for interviews, cover transport costs, and ensure she could put her best foot forward throughout her employment journey.

Charlotte connected with atWork Australia’s Workforce Australia team at the Bondi Junction office.

Charlotte was being supported by Job Coach, Losefo. After discussing Charlotte’s goals and previous approaches to finding employment, Losefo thought that Charlotte would benefit from participating in the Money Minded program. This would help to build her confidence in managing personal finances and develop a stronger foundation to help her progress towards employment.

Throughout the Money Minded workshop, Charlotte built her knowledge, confidence, and skills to make better financial decisions. Developing these new skillsets has helped reduce financial stress and removed barriers to employment.

“Charlotte has come along way during the Money Minded program. She continues to build her confidence to manage her finances and has developed skills to confidently communicate in a group setting,” said Losefo.

Not only has Charlotte developed her ability to manage her personal finances, but she has also found her self-confidence and is now excited about her future and exploring her employment opportunities.

“Everything is possible. I am on a new journey and striving for success,” said Charlotte.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Charlotte expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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