atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Brittany smiles in her red Macca's uniform and black cap. Quote reads:  “I’m happy with atWork Australia’s support. I know I can ask for help when I need it, and I will get it.”

24-year-old, Disability Employment Services client, Brittany had never held paid employment.

She lives with epilepsy, anxiety and depression.

When Brittany first started working with the atWork Australia team in Liverpool, NSW, having never held employment previously, she didn’t feel confident applying for roles.

She was unsure what type of roles she could do with her health.

Brittany had taken steps to upskill herself ready for her first opportunity by completing a Certificate III in Hospitality but was yet to find a diverse and inclusive employer who would give her a go.

Her goal was to be able to save money for her future.

She shared with her Job Coach, Amanda, that she needed some support to manage her health conditions. So, to begin with Amanda encouraged Brittany to work with her doctors to find the right medication, that would work for her. She was also connected to atWork Australia’s internal Allied Health service for support with her wellbeing.

In the meantime, she built up Brittany’s confidence by helping her identify her skills and abilities.

When she was feeling ready and her health was under control, the atWork Australia team contacted a local hospitality venue who they knew to be a diverse and inclusive employer.

Brittany was unsure about getting to and from work, as she didn’t have a Driver’s Licence. The team provided her with a paid Opal Card and supported her to learn the timetables for public transport. They also helped Brittany obtain work related clothing such as shoes for her new role.

This supported Brittany to feel confident as she started her first ever role.

Having work has built Brittany’s confidence and purpose in her life.

Unfortunately, Brittany’s health deteriorated, and she needed to take time of work again to focus on her health.

Despite this temporary setback, this initial opportunity has provided Brittany with clarity on the future direction of her career, invaluable skills she can take forward and confidence to pursue new opportunities when the time is right.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Brittany expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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