atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

"Viviana is kind, compassionate and very understanding. She genuinely wants to help you succeed and will work with you to get a job that actually suits you!" says client Brigette. She stands in overalls next to Job Coach Viviana.

Workforce Australia client, Brigette, dreams of one day becoming a costume designer. However, right now, at this point in Brigette’s life, she is just looking to balance work and life with looking after her father.

Brigette came to atWork Australia’s Hurstville office with limited formal education, limited work experience, and mental health conditions.

She expressed that as her father’s health deteriorated, it started impacting her motivation to work.

atWork Australia’s Job Coach, Viviana, referred Brigette into our internal Wellness Services for support.

“Brigette says that atWork Australia makes her feel seen as an individual,” said Viviana.

“I feel her story is an inspiration to all, that with the right support you can thrive through difficult times.”

Brigette was supported by food vouchers during times of financial hardship, and also supported to participate in  accredited administration training.

She was encouraged and motivated in her appointments with Job Coach Viviana to start her own small business.

Brigette is currently self-employed working as a cosmetologist, as she can work flexible hours around other commitments.

“Viviana is kind, compassionate and very understanding. She genuinely wants to help you succeed and will work with you to get a job that actually suits you!” said Brigette.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Brigette expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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