atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

It's been helpful to have structure back. Work has had a positive impact on my lifestyle, both mentally and physically. - Brett, Disability Employment Services, VIC.

After two years without work off the back of a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis, 42-year-old Disability Employment Services client, Brett, is now thriving in employment. Tailored support from Job Coach, Khala and the atWork Australia team in Ballarat, VIC, made all the difference.

Brett’s MS diagnosis changed his life in more ways than one. It had a running effect on his mental health, and his confidence in his capabilities in the workplace.

At the time of meeting Brett, Khala described him as being in a ‘rut’. “He felt discouraged in himself and his abilities as a result of learning how to manage his new normal, and managing his mental, and physical health,” said Khala.

Brett was currently working with a range of health professionals to receive support, including regular counselling, support groups, and specialist appointments to manage his health.

Khala was aware of his hesitation to re-enter the workforce after his diagnosis and ensured she was working at a pace which worked for him, while also ensuring he was progressing, at times without him realising.

This included encouraging him to connect with local support groups for MS. This way, he was connecting with people he can relate with. This was a great opportunity for him to get out in the community, and unintentionally build his confidence.

“Brett has worked in fast-paced environments, with years of experience in customer service. He has a passion for interacting with people.” Said Khala.

Once Brett was confident, and ready to take the next steps on his journey – the job search began! Khala began searching for positions that matched his skills, interests, and working history.

A full-time sales position came up in the local area, and it matched Brett’s skills, and previous work experience. He was very eager to apply – which is exactly what they did.

After successful interview preparation, and interview, Brett landed the job and is forever grateful for the support of Khala.

“It has been helpful to have support from someone who isn’t a friend or family. Khala helped me to feel more on track and supported. She has been super helpful,” said Brett.

When reflecting on Brett’s journey, Khala adds: “Work has given him his self-belief back. His can-do attitude is more present now! Brett has been such an inspiration to me, he has faced so many obstacles with his medical and mental health, to see him now in full time employment and loving it, shows how much drive he has.”

“It’s been helpful to have structure back. Work has had a positive impact on my lifestyle, both mentally and physically.”  – Brett, atWork Australia client

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Brett expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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