atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

"Every step was designed to provide sustainable, long-term success in her chosen field." - Warda, atWork Australia Job Coach, VIC.

Tailored, friendly assistance from atWork Australia, leads Disability Employment Services client and NDIS participant, Bianca, to getting her dream role in traffic control.

In 2023, Bianca entered the atWork Australia office in Broadmeadows, Victoria, and connected with Job Coach, Warda. The pair got to know each other, with Bianca sharing insight into her mental health, skills, and interests, as well as her keen interest within traffic control.

“Her goal of entering traffic control was clear,” said Warda.

Warda shared that this would be a difficult industry to get into without having a driver’s licence, but they would put a plan in place to ensure that she would be able to get there.

Whilst working towards this goal within every appointment together, Warda searched for other positions that would be suitable for Bianca that did not require a driver’s licence. This meant that she could gain valuable work experience, whilst gaining financial support and independence.

She was later successful in securing a cleaning position, which she worked in for several months.

Unfortunately, she was no longer able to continue in this position as more travel was required. This was difficult to do without a licence. Warda and Bianca took this opportunity to take the leap and go all in on getting Bianca into traffic control.

Understanding that obtaining a driver’s licence would broaden her employment opportunities, Warda collaborated with NDIS to support her through the licencing process. With this assistance, Bianca successfully passed her driving test.

Following this achievement, Bianca was enrolled within a traffic control course, with Warda sourcing employers she could complete her 20 hours of placement with.

After successfully completing her course and the placement. Warda connected with Employment Engagement Consultant, Martina, for assistance in securing a traffic control job.

Martina connected with a range of traffic control employers. One was interested in meeting Bianca. She was later offered employment with them.

Bianca has begun work and is loving it. She is excited to start saving towards buying her own car.

“Every step was designed to provide sustainable, long-term success in her chosen field.” – Warda, atWork Australia Job Coach.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Bianca expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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