Throughout Kylie’s working life, she has always been passionate about supporting others, and that has been the focus of her career.
The only thing that has changed, is how she offers her support. She started out working in the youth justice system, supporting young people to get their lives back on track. Then, working as a personal trainer, running her own gym and supporting people to achieve their health goals. Now, Kylie is an atWork Australia Job Coach, supporting people to overcome their barriers to progress towards meaningful employment.
When asked about what she enjoys most about her job, Kylie said, “I enjoy witnessing my clients build self-confidence and belief that they can achieve whatever they put their minds too.”
“I have recently supported a client who was experiencing mental health concerns, and they were also having difficulty navigating a previous criminal history. The client has now engaged support to address their mental health barriers and secured a supervisory position. They are now kicking goals in their new workplace.”
Kylie’s proudest moment in her time with atWork Australia was when she supported a client who came to the office completely defeated from previous experiences and she helped him find his dream career.
“My client came to atWork Australia already defeated; he had previously been placed into workplaces that were not suited to him. I worked hard with him to source a role that he had dreamed about for years. We found a traineeship that would support him to achieve his goals. He has been working in aged care for the past two years and loving his role,” continued Kylie.
If you ever bump into Kylie at atWork Australia’s Bendigo office and think to yourself, she looks familiar. You might be right. Kylie comes from a family of musicians and spent her childhood singing in country music competitions and festivals.
“I now leave my singing for the shower, haha.”
Although Kylie’s singing days are behind her, she continues to support her clients to achieve their own goals and enjoys being part of their journey; cheering them on every step of the way.
“Seeing my clients reach their goals is what excites me,” said, Kylie, atWork Australia Job Coach.
Get in touch today on 1300 080 856, or register your interest online, and let’s connect you with one of our many passionate Job Coaches who will work tirelessly to get you the right job with the right employer.